Time To Create Space for #KeplerSwap
Do you know keplerswap_dex Giving the biggest Opportunity to the people to create community in their own country “
There is not any boundaries for that ..
Time to Create your own space in country , If you have community these is the time were to you can get exposure of your community around the world ‘’
We Will You reward and You can Give Us Budget for the project
In 2020, the digital currency market played a major role in increasing decentralized funding. DeFi1.0 has taken a huge step towards the full development of DeFi, but not enough in the long run.
On behalf of DeFi 2.0, KeplerSwap has opened up a whole new world of decentralized financing. The referral program is closely related to the activity level of the user. Meanwhile, the performance of SPACE and LUCKY POOL was undoubtedly accompanied by more innovation and a willingness to experiment. Today we’re taking a closer look at how SPACE is performing so users can get involved in the project right away.
Benefits to Perform Space
1. Users from your country will prefer to input your invitation code.
2. Receive 10% of earnings from Liquidity added by your invitees. Available in your lifetime.
3. Enjoy all transaction fees from your invitees in your lifetime
Returns on SPACE Creation:
1. 1% of earning from Liquidity added by your invitees. Available in your lifetime
2. Share the Prize Pool
3. Have the rights of the proposal and future ecological governance
You will get tremendous passive income. Now is the best time to create the SPACE.
How You can Start
Start To Build First Community and explain them the full details and educate them about keplerswap project and its blockchain technology .
We have Dedicated all the programs and events to explain them keplerswap prokject .. We dedicate Token called SDS .
SDS token is revolution token
Learn more below.