A New Legacy Token MERLIN Token
Introducing Merlin Token and Why it came into existence
Merlin is an auto-compounding yield aggregator with an environment optimized to secure and sustain most yield returns.
Merlin looks after fuelling costs, APY tracking, most useful yield strategies, and safety to maximize Defi customers' yield farming at the bottom viable cost (All APY & APRs displayed are which includes fees).
Why did we construct Merlin?
The upward push of decentralized finance (Defi) has been an exquisite boon for the complete cryptocurrency sector. Despite the surge in Defi merchandise on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), there aren’t any practical farming initiatives that actually facilitate customers holistically.
Merlin combines yield maximization with functionality, turning in an all-encompassing Defi platform.
We apprehend the exponential advantage in auto-compounding and the fee in gathering key cryptocurrencies (aka. BTCB, ETH, BNB, CAKE, etc.), so we’ve built:
- A yield aggregator that allows you auto-compound your assets
- An environment that allows you to earn greater key cryptocurrencies (aka. BTCB, ETH, BNB, CAKE, etc.) through staking $MERL

🔮 Merlin Ecosystem
- The Merlin ecosystem begins with the Vaults. As users stake in the Merlin vaults, our algorithm optimized auto-compounding mechanism will compound users’ assets for maximum return
- The vaults rewards will be in the form of LP rewards and $MERL. The $MERL portion of the reward is generated by the Boosted Yield Convertor
- Boosted Yield Convertor maximizes user’s profits by converting 50% of their auto-compounding vault rewards with $MERL tokens, which will maximize users’ yield:
- As the $MERL token appreciates, the users’ yield in turn increases
- User can further stake their $MERL rewards to farm BTCB, ETH, BNB, CAKE rewards & more at high APYs
- The collected Boosted Yield Convertor will be converted into BNBs and redistributed as MERL pool rewards at $MERL LP Treasury
- For every 1 BNB converted through the Boosted Yield Convertor, 25 $MERL are minted (This is our launch emission rate, it will be decreased over time to balance $MERL supply)
- Every 100 $MERL minted, 13 $MERL will be used to expand the Merlin product suites and global marketing activities
- We recognize the exponential benefit in auto-compounding and the value in accumulating key cryptocurrencies (aka. BTCB, ETH, BNB, CAKE, etc.), so we’ve built:
- A yield aggregator that helps you auto-compound your assets
- An ecosystem that helps your earn more key cryptocurrencies (aka. BTCB, ETH, BNB, CAKE, etc.) by staking $MERL
📣 Merlin Official Social Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/merlinlab_
Telegram Announcements Channel: https://t.me/merlinannouncements.
Telegram Global Community Group: https://t.me/merlinlab
Official website: https://www.merlinlab.com/ (Will be live soon after the presale